Sunday, March 22, 2009


Finally finished up my March homework...sadly i haven't really finished it because i left my BM and I'm damn lazy to do it... lol
Guess i got to go school and copy some of my friends work ^^
A shout out of thanks! to my friends and family who've helped me out in my folio...
And i wasted damn a lot of red paint for my friggin art... sien...
I got a fever on a holiday what great news lol
O well as a conclusion this holiday really sucked =.=

Friday, March 13, 2009

March school holidays

I can really say this years March holidays suck lyk hell.... 2 folio's to do 1 stupid crappy piece of artwork to do and BM hahaha wat i h8 most is d sej and geo folio[s]... sad...

Chinese New Year

Lol this year cny wasnt all that bad....
On the eve of cny my dad fired up fireworks of about 300 shots or more....
After that, we saw blue coloured lights lol...
So wad'ya think, cops haha, there were two cops in the car... so i guess my dad gave RM50 each.
Hahaha my cny eve story wakakakka. but sadly this year's gamblin sucked